News: Learn from the best – West System International course date announced
If you’re looking to hone your epoxy skills or pick up tips and tricks, then West System International‘s hands-on epoxy workshops are a great place to start. The date for the next workshop is 10th January 2019, so book your place now.
The workshops are hosted by West System International’s Technical Support team to share their unique heritage of knowledge and experience. These are fantastic hands-on events covering marine applications, handling techniques and tricks of the trade.
Epoxycraft can speak from experience – see our round-up of top tips from the day. The one-day workshop we attended covered the basic concepts of using and handling WEST SYSTEM epoxy and we were able to mix as much epoxy as we needed and had the opportunity to experiment with the entire range of WEST SYSTEM fillers for bonding, gap filling, filleting and fairing. Delegates have the opportunity to utilise their new skills and build their very own toolbox – ours is proving very useful!
There is an open forum at the end of the day that allows the WEST SYSTEM users to ask specific questions regarding the use of epoxy for the construction, repair and maintenance of their own boats.
Find more information and booking form here.