Amateur: Building with precision and passion

“We’ve had a long collaboration with Wessex Resins,” says Will Reed from the Boat Building Academy. “The products are excellent. I’ve used them for 20 years personally. The technical support offered is so important. Wessex Resins is at the end of the phone and they come in and talk to the students.
“All boats built by our students are part of their training, they’re not building commercially. At the moment we’ve got a 16ft carvel boat in build. We’re encapsulating it – so it’s a crossover between traditional planking and using epoxy to make it last longer and reduce maintenance.
“A student is using Entropy Resins® epoxy for a Canadian Canoe. It’s going really well. It’s so clear. So much clarity there.”
Watch the full conversation with Will Reed, Principal Boat Building Academy, at SIBS2019: