Projects: How Are Snowboard Companies Using Designs To Make An Impact Globally?

To many a holidaymakers, Turkey is a haven of golden sand beaches, historic landmarks and party towns. However, it’s not just those looking to top up on their tan that are travelling to this beautiful country. Head up to one of the many spectacular mountains and you’ll find a thriving ski and snowboard industry.
In the bustling city of Istanbul, a group of snowboard enthusiasts set out to create boards that were unique to each rider and with designs that stood out from the crowd. From that, Mas Snowboard was born. Alp Demiralp, co-founder of Mas Snowboard, explains that they started testing unique snowboard ideas designed to respond to the rider’s style. After a difficult process of trial and error, Mas Snowboard production launched in 2019.

The Mas Snowboard team uses Entropy Resins® in their manufacturing process to ensure the best quality production of their boards. “Every material we use in our snowboards has a distinct characteristic. All of these unique materials should be bound as one, without losing their characteristics. Using Entropy Resins allows us to achieve this.”
Mas Snowboard produces every single board with Entropy Resins. It’s not only the product quality that maintains Mas Snowboard’s leading position in the game. “The team at Entropy Resins are incredibly qualified. David Johnson and our Turkish dealer have supported us from day one.”
The boards are built with the finest materials, designed to be lightweight with a sustainable structure. The team rely on Entropy Resins to ensure this vision becomes a reality when producing their boards.
“Entropy Resins is one of the best companies for sustainable solutions” – Alp, Mas Snowboard

Our thanks to Alp and his team at Mas Snowboard for giving us an insight into their exciting new business. Mas Snowboard are currently selling across Turkey with a mission to sell across the world after gathering a great deal of interest from several European companies. So if you’re an avid snowboarder, keep an eye out for these striking boards as the team start their pursuit to disrupt the snowboarding industry.
You can read more about the team and discover their unique boards on their website (

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