Sasha Millington-Latham

How Does A Surfboard Shaper Design Boards To Inspire Surfers?

How Does A Surfboard Shaper Design Boards To Inspire Surfers?

Over the years, the industry has undergone evolution, significantly altering board designs and sourcing bio-based materials like resin. Located on the stunning Welsh coast, JP Surfboards has crafted numerous boards over time. They have led the way in constructing adaptive boards for individuals with disabilities How are Adaptive Boards Made? The first adaptive board build ... How Does A Surfboard Shaper Design Boards To Inspire Surfers? More



PRO-SET® epoxy is sponsoring the upcoming International OK Dinghy 2023 World Championships, to be held at Lyme Regis Sailing Club 22-30 June 2023. The event – consisting of ten races – is expected to attract over 100 competitors from New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Demark, Holland, Sweden, France and Norway among other nations. PRO-SET is a ... PRO-SET EPOXY AND OVINGTON BOATS JOINT SPONSORS OF INTERNATIONAL OK DINGHY 2023 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS More

Malta: Annual Distributor Event

Malta: Annual Distributor Event

After 2 years what a way to bring back our annual distributor event – in the glorious location of Malta, in close proximity to the capital of Malta, Valetta. Malta has a strong maritime heritage and is renowned for its undisturbed bays and secluded anchorages making it a perfect place for boat enthusiasts and boaters. ... Malta: Annual Distributor Event More

WEST SYSTEM workshop – Hexham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (31 Jan 2020)

WEST SYSTEM workshop – Hexham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (31 Jan 2020)

Learn the basic concepts of using and handling WEST SYSTEM® epoxy in this unique, hands-on, one day workshop. Friday 31st January 2020, ECF Composites, Hexham, NE46 4DQ Gain experience in using epoxy while experimenting with the entire range of fillers for bonding, gap filling, filleting and fairing while you build a toolbox. Use epoxy and ... WEST SYSTEM workshop – Hexham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (31 Jan 2020) More

Moulding an oil tray

Moulding an oil tray

The beauty of epoxy, says Jake Kavanagh, is that it makes a tough, non-shrinking connection between various angles of wood, ideal when you want to make a plug for a custom mould. Which is why he wrote this article for us on how to make a oil drip tray. Not that we don’t trust the brand-new ... Moulding an oil tray More

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 9

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 9

The finished 18th century Gajeta – or how to build a classic boat with epoxy. As you’ll know, we’ve run a series on the build of a Gajeta at the Betina Shipyard in Croatia. In this final instalment we look back at where she started and what she became.    From 3D design to the final item: ... Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 9 More

A quality finish 

A quality finish 

Peter Oman has worked in construction sites all his life.  He’s a building engineer and is now turning his skills and passion in a new direction, creating bespoke pieces of craftsmanship, with crystal clear finishes, from his home in the small village of Kvevlax. He lives 500km from Helsinki, and has his own sawmill, kiln ... A quality finish  More

Table top talks

Table top talks

While it’s clear that Entropy Resins®, the bio-based epoxy, is taking the surf, skate and snowboard shapers, makers  and crafter markets by storm, what’s not so well known is its fascinating history. In this short film we learn about the development of ENTROPY RESINS including working with surfers to understand the need for flex and give;  and how ... Table top talks More

Magical sailing 

Magical sailing 

In 2002 the seed was planted for John Taylor to build a boat with WEST SYSTEM® epoxy. He bought a wagon full of cedar four by two and that was it, Ocean Swift (44ft catamaran) started. John had found a mention of WEST SYSTEM epoxy in a magazine, arranged an appointment and met up with David Johnson ... Magical sailing  More

The lightweight winner

Maguire Boats customers range from triple Olympic gold medallists to current  America’s  Cup sailors, via weekend sailors.    “Whoever it is though, the product doesn’t change,” says Simon Maguire, “the quality is consistently high for every customer. I meet them as they come off the water to get direct feedback. Everything is about performance around the racecourse, ... The lightweight winner More

Spirit of sustainability

Spirit of sustainability

 According to Nigel Stuart, Spirit Yachts are handed down through generations as family assets. They’re so valued it’s not often that one comes on the market for a resale.  Nigel puts it down to Spirit owners being people who like to look after their  assets and why wouldn’t they when they’re so beautifully crafted? And now ... Spirit of sustainability More

Building with precision and passion

Building with precision and passion

“We’ve had a long collaboration with Wessex Resins,” says Will Reed from the Boat Building Academy. “The products are excellent. I’ve used them for 20 years personally. The technical support offered is so important. Wessex Resins is at the end of the phone and they come in and talk to the students.   “All boats built ... Building with precision and passion More

Using PRO-SET epoxy with composites – interview with James Newman

Using PRO-SET epoxy with composites – interview with James Newman

James Newman, J-TEC Composites, says his favourite part of making products is the final outcome, when he sees the face of the customer realising the part ‘does what they want it to do’.  He’s been using composites from an early age, starting out with a model boat which had such a “ridiculous engine, it ended ... Using PRO-SET epoxy with composites – interview with James Newman More

We’re ‘in conversation’ at Southampton International Boat Show

We’re ‘in conversation’ at Southampton International Boat Show

Join us at SIBS (Ocean Hall, J401) on Tuesday 17th September where we’ll be ‘in conversation’ with a really interesting array of expert speakers from across the marine world. (Pictured above, top row L-R: Adam Bundle, Nigel Stuart, Simon Maguire. Below L-R: James Newman, Hamish Cook, Will Reed) Adam Bundle – Rowing the Atlantic – 11:30 ... We’re ‘in conversation’ at Southampton International Boat Show More

Join us at the Southampton International Boat Show (13-22 Sept)

Join us at the Southampton International Boat Show (13-22 Sept)

Our stand (Ocean Hall, J401) will be packed full of our experts offering top tips and project advice about using our epoxy products; from WEST SYSTEM® Epoxy, the original marine grade epoxy, to PRO-SET® epoxies for composite work and finally our Bio-Based ENTROPY RESINS®. Find out how we support the marine market, whether that’s with repair kits for dinghy sailors, or being involved from start to ... Join us at the Southampton International Boat Show (13-22 Sept) More

Epoxy Workshop, 7 Nov 2019

Epoxy Workshop, 7 Nov 2019

Looking for a practical way to increase your epoxy skills and knowledge? Book onto our one-day epoxy workshop, 7th November 2019. Here at Wessex Resins and Adhesives, we’re hosting a special event for those wanting to gain expert knowledge and hands-on experience of using WEST SYSTEM® epoxy to construct, repair and maintain their own boats, or ... Epoxy Workshop, 7 Nov 2019 More

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 8

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 8

The finishing touches to this project combining traditional craftsmanship with epoxy In our latest instalment of the building of a replica of an 18th century Croatian Gajeta, ‘Lipa Moja’ becomes the sum of her parts. Many hours of traditional craftsmanship  – combined with the precision of CNC cutting and the adhesive power of WEST SYSTEM® epoxy – has ... Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 8 More

Surfing The World

According to Luke Young, his boards are built with science and timing and that’s what makes them perfect for world-class surfers across the globe. Epoxycraft finds out which epoxy for surfboards he’s using. Luke Young has made surfboards for the world-class elite and also for beginners, intermediaries and more. He’s been building bespoke surfboards for ... Surfing The World More

Driven to win

Driven to win

Competing against the cream of engineering students, the University of Manchester is taking a bespoke single-seater to race at Silverstone. They’re using the best epoxy for automobiles. Formula Student is the world’s largest student engineering design competition with entries from around the world, including USA, Australia, India, Canada and the Far East, as well as ... Driven to win More

Making a 5,000-year-old pen

Making a 5,000-year-old pen

Penmaker and woodturner Ron Caddy specialises in combining ancient timber and modern epoxies to make exquisite – and affordable – custom pens. Ron is now making his latest creations with bio-based Entropy Resins® epoxy. At a craft show near Romsey in Hampshire Ron Caddy was drawing a lot of attention to his display of custom-made pens. Whilst the inner ... Making a 5,000-year-old pen More

The Laminated Bamboo Bike

The Laminated Bamboo Bike

Michael Cubbage designs and makes bikes with laminated bamboo and WEST SYSTEM® epoxy. Using bamboo for bikes isn’t new. The material’s been utilised since the 1800s, but historically bikes were made from canes lashed together with hemp and glue. Michael, from Tri-Sept Cycles, has a very different approach. “The bamboo I use is similar to ... The Laminated Bamboo Bike More

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 7

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 7

After several months of intense boatbuilding, the craftsmen at the Betina Shipyard in Croatia are in the final stages of the completing their experimental 7-metre traditional sailing gajeta. Now the emphasis shifts to vacuum forming the curved brightwork of the interior. The beauty of using epoxy is that it forms a powerful adhesive, one that ... Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 7 More

Using WEST SYSTEM G/5 Five-Minute Adhesive for wood and metal

Using WEST SYSTEM G/5 Five-Minute Adhesive for wood and metal

Experienced woodturner Viv Broughton uses quick setting epoxy to secure elements of his wide portfolio of pieces. He gave us a quick tour of his workshop in Hampshire to explain the role of WEST SYSTEM® G/5 Five-Minute Adhesive (quick setting epoxy). Viv Broughton has a passion for wood. He works out of a small but well-equipped ... Using WEST SYSTEM G/5 Five-Minute Adhesive for wood and metal More

A Morris pick-up makeover

A Morris pick-up makeover

Wales-based boatbuilder John Jones has used his woodworking skills to renovate his beloved 1962-vintage Morris pick-up with a judicious use of WEST SYSTEM® epoxy. The Morris Minor, or ‘Moggie’, has been likened to Doctor Who’s Tardis in that it travels through time pretty well. Designed during the Second World War by the father of the ... A Morris pick-up makeover More

Sustainable, stunning designs with Entropy Resins

Sustainable, stunning designs with Entropy Resins

You might have seen ROOSO DESIGNs work with the Entropy Resins® range to make incredible furniture and art pieces for homes and businesses, like making river tables with epoxy. ROOSO are based ten minutes outside of Sidmouth in Devon, an inspirational area for these unique designs being created by husband and wife team Reuben and Solo ... Sustainable, stunning designs with Entropy Resins More

ENTROPY RESINS® new online store launched for European customers

ENTROPY RESINS® new online store launched for European customers

We’re delighted to announce the launch of a new online store to facilitate ordering the unique range of bio-based epoxy: ENTROPY RESINS. The EU online store has been added to the current North American website WWW.ENTROPYRESINS.COM and will support the existing network of distributors and retailers. You will be able to buy ENTROPY RESINS from ... ENTROPY RESINS® new online store launched for European customers More

Additive of the Month – Colour Pigments

Additive of the Month – Colour Pigments

WEST SYSTEM® Colour Pigments are available in four basic colours, and enable you to colour epoxy. What are Colour Pigments? WEST SYSTEM 501-505 Colour Pigments are made from stable coloured materials incorporated in an epoxy resin base. Currently there are white (501), black (502), grey (503) and blue (505) pigments to choose from to colour ... Additive of the Month – Colour Pigments More

How to build a mouse boat with epoxy and Oarsome Chance

How to build a mouse boat with epoxy and Oarsome Chance

Back to basics Wessex Resins and Adhesives is a proud sponsor of the charity Oarsome Chance, where disadvantaged and school-excluded young adults learn how to build and repair boats and use them on the water. Instructor Nick Hart describes the making of a ‘Mouse Boat’. The Mouse Boat The Mouse Boat can be made from ... How to build a mouse boat with epoxy and Oarsome Chance More

Raising the bar with ENTROPY RESINS Clear Casting Resin

Raising the bar with ENTROPY RESINS Clear Casting Resin

James Case has been a member of Wells Sailing Club since he was a child. “It’s always had the same bar,” he says, “but when the club decided to do a major refit, we decided to make a new bar with a nautical theme.” Which is where his previous expertise as a self-employed boat builder ... Raising the bar with ENTROPY RESINS Clear Casting Resin More

Supporting the restoration of Lively Lady

Supporting the restoration of Lively Lady

Products from Wessex Resins and Adhesives and expertise from the UK-based technical team have been donated to a charity attempting to revive a piece of sailing history, the 36ft sailing yacht Lively Lady. One of the UK’s most iconic sailing yachts is undergoing a major restoration with WEST SYSTEM® epoxy playing a key role in ... Supporting the restoration of Lively Lady More

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 6

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 6

In our latest instalment of this fascinating series, we get deep inside the build of this inshore fishing vessel. The tough and seaworthy gajeta is powered by a lanteen sail and a small inboard engine. This graphic shows the internal design, including the small forepeak cabin and was posted onto the workshop wall as inspiration. ... Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 6 More

How to fix battens with epoxy (on a ferro hull)

How to fix battens with epoxy (on a ferro hull)

When fitting out a bare hull or during a refit or renovation project you may find you need to attach some longitudinal or even vertical battens against the bare glass fibre. Read on to find out about fixing battens with epoxy. This process is particularly useful for attaching headlining or in this instance insulation to ... How to fix battens with epoxy (on a ferro hull) More

Additive of the Month – 420 Aluminium Powder

Additive of the Month – 420 Aluminium Powder

What is it? WEST SYSTEM 420 Aluminium Powder is made from high quality aluminium that has been very finely ground. It is available in a range of tub sizes. Additives can have significant effects on basic epoxy and with 420 Aluminium Powder the metal acts as an effective UV barrier. It also gives the coating a silver ... Additive of the Month – 420 Aluminium Powder More

Additive of the Month – March 2019

Additive of the Month – March 2019

 423 Graphite Powder What is it? WEST SYSTEM® 423 Graphite Powder has specialist applications. The material consists of a very finely ground graphite, an odourless mineral that is widely used in paints and lubricants, so is readily available and inexpensive. Used for? When mixed with WEST SYSTEM Epoxy, 423 Graphite Powder adds a natural looking grey/black colour ... Additive of the Month – March 2019 More

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 5

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 5

Part 5:  All skin and ribs  Designed on 3D software by a 21st century architect working to 18th century specifications, our wooden Gajeta is ready to receive her cosmetic outer skin. The skilled craftsmen at the Betina Shipyard in Croatia now build up the double-diagonal epoxy-sheathed hull with a modern primer/filler. Peel ply was laid over the ... Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 5 More

Longbow – how to survive a disaster

Longbow – how to survive a disaster

The British team attempting to break the water speed record in a jet-powered hydroplane are well aware of the risks, so the pilot will be able to survive a crash in a purpose-built escape capsule – made from epoxy composite, of course. The Longbow project, with WEST SYSTEM epoxy materials sponsored by Wessex Resins & ... Longbow – how to survive a disaster More

Additive of the Month – February 2019

Additive of the Month – February 2019

G/5 five-minute epoxy – great for race repairs, spot welding and making a detachable fibreglass locker (see below). It’s an adhesive that cures in just five minutes at room temperature.  What is it? G/5 is a two-part epoxy adhesive that has been formulated to cure in just five minutes at room temperature. Used for: Any ... Additive of the Month – February 2019 More

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 4

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 4

Part 4:  Putting on the skin and sheathing A gajeta is a traditional design of small open fishing boat but as they are raced competitively, an enterprising naval architect decided to make one using modern epoxy techniques. In this instalment, the computer-generated design is taking shape on its temporary jig and the base layer of ... Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 4 More

It’s all in the name

It’s all in the name

Building an International14 is no mean feat but naming it is even harder, according to the team building it and trying to do just that. Liam Stacpoole and Wayne Barnicoat refuse to give any clues as to what the potential name for their new PRO-SET® Epoxy produced INT14 will be. They suspect it might cause ... It’s all in the name More

Upgrading a KELT 850 Rudder using PRO-SET Epoxy

Upgrading a KELT 850 Rudder using PRO-SET Epoxy

Back in 2015, we ran a story on fixing rudders, written by technical guru David Johnson. Here he updates us on his rudder repairs and how to make them using PRO-SET and WEST SYSTEM products. Read the original article here: Planning and preparation Firstly this kind of work is no small undertaking. Work-planning and choosing ... Upgrading a KELT 850 Rudder using PRO-SET Epoxy More

Worldwide learning

Worldwide learning

Infused learning Over the last few months we’ve been delighted to welcome our Turkish and Italian distributors and their customers to our PRO-SET Epoxy Seminar. Plus, we’ve had guests of Marine and Industrial visit us here in Romsey. Many of our distributors bring their customers to experience working with PRO-SET and WEST SYSTEM epoxy products. ... Worldwide learning More

How Darkside Canoes build canoes with resin infusion

How Darkside Canoes build canoes with resin infusion

From hobbyist to thriving business, Nick Adnitt’s canoes are racing ahead. Here he talks about the past five years and how the lightweight strength of PRO-SET® epoxy products has made all the difference to portage. And how he builds canoes with resin infusion. According to Nick the name of his company, Darkside Canoes, is a hangover ... How Darkside Canoes build canoes with resin infusion More

A product of passion and tradition

A product of passion and tradition

If you were to see a fire engine drive past with a flagpole strapped to the roof you would be forgiven for being confused. Although an unusual choice for a company vehicle, the decommissioned appliance from the Carlisle Fire Service is ideal for the Wooden Flagpole Company to deliver and install its traditional wooden flagpoles. ... A product of passion and tradition More

The Longbow Jet Hydroplane project

The Longbow Jet Hydroplane project

A team of British enthusiasts is building a jet-powered boat to beat the current water speed record of 317mph. WEST SYSTEM® Epoxy will be holding it all together. Tucked away in a home workshop on the Fylde Coast, Lancashire, a remarkable hydroplane is taking shape. Powered by twin Rolls Royce Viper 535 pure thrust jet ... The Longbow Jet Hydroplane project More

Additive of the Month – January 2019

Additive of the Month – January 2019

410 Microlight® Filler What is it? WEST SYSTEM® 410 Microlight is a filler designed to create a lightweight and easily worked fairing compound when added to a mix of epoxy. It consists of tiny thermoplastic hollow spheres, which makes it very easy to sand once the mix has hardened. Although light sand in colour when in ... Additive of the Month – January 2019 More

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 3

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 3

Part 3: Base layer planking In a boatyard in Croatia, an 8-metre Croatian Gajeta is being built with a merger of new materials (epoxy) and traditional skills. At this stage of the project, it is ready to receive its first set of planks. To avoid using nails or screws in the build, everything will be ... Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 3 More

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 2

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 2

Part 2: Applying the skin In a remarkable project that combines traditional boatbuilding skills with modern techniques, a Croatian Gajetareceives its primary wooden framework, cut by computer and bonded with WEST SYSTEM® epoxy. With the plywood formers for the 7m (21ft) fishing boat assembled at the Betina Shipyard in Croatia (see part 1) the task of ... Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 2 More

Two products for top performance

Two products for top performance

Based in West Yorkshire, Winder Boats builds high performance racing dinghies and foils using PRO-SET epoxy. The key to success was finding the right product and – literally – sticking with it. Anyone who has sailed a Merlin Rocket or Fireball dinghy knows the exhilaration they give from close racing in a stiff breeze and ... Two products for top performance More

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 1

Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 1

Part 1: Design and lofting  When naval architect Srdan Dakovic was recruited to combine traditional wooden boatbuilding with modern technology, he designed a Croatian gajeta to be cut by CNC and bonded entirely with WEST SYSTEM epoxy. From 3D concept to hand-built reality. The completed gajeta takes part in the annual regatta, and – as ... Building an 18th century gajeta – Part 1 More

Building on renewables

Building on renewables

The beautifully-built Ocean Explorer 72 catamaran has the ability to run silently on electric propulsion recharged from renewables. Part of the secret is the composite structure using PRO-SET® epoxy, which makes the yacht light, strong and easily driven. Built in Finland by Ocean Quality Systems (OQS) Ltd, the Ocean Explorer catamaran range has been designed by the celebrated ... Building on renewables More

Additive of the Month – September 2018

Additive of the Month – September 2018

WEST SYSTEM® 402 MILLED GLASS FIBRE BLEND (Type: Blended adhesive filler. Product No: 402) 402 is a unique blend of powder and strands. What is it? WEST SYSTEM 402 Milled Glass Fibre Blend is a mix of individual strands of chopped glass evenly dispersed in a powder base made up of other fillers. This combination creates ... Additive of the Month – September 2018 More

British style turns heads on the French Riviera

British style turns heads on the French Riviera

Whilst Epoxycraft was visiting the Cannes Boat Show this year we saw Hawksley Classic’s beautiful motorboat in pride of place by the main VIP and press entrance and we just had to bring you these shots. In 2016, Simon set up his custom boat building company in the UK’s West Country (apt, as they use ... British style turns heads on the French Riviera More

Additive of the Month – October 2018

Additive of the Month – October 2018

HIGH-DENSITY FILLER (Type: Finely milled adhesive filler. Product No: 404)   What is it?  Originally designed to fix wooden blades to a wind turbine hub, 404 High-Density Filler is a very fine powder used for bonding hardware into substrates. When mixed with WEST SYSTEM epoxy, the cured material is highly resistant to compression and intense ... Additive of the Month – October 2018 More

Grey Falcon Update

Grey Falcon Update

David Grey is now in the engineering stages of his home build of a 5.8m barrel-back American-designed Glen-L runabout , but – as he laments on his blog – why does everything take so long? The timetable also took a knock when David had an accident with a bandsaw. A very slight misalignment with the ... Grey Falcon Update More

Getting a 2.4m Stradivari Mk IV back racing

Getting a 2.4m Stradivari Mk IV back racing

Boatbuilder Paul Gomm, a regular user of WEST SYSTEM epoxy, has been doing some great repair work on 2.4m Class Stradivari Mk IV. We were lucky enough to see the repair as it progressed. The boat has a fibreglass keel, which had suffered a form of osmotic damage through a combination of water and anti-freeze. ... Getting a 2.4m Stradivari Mk IV back racing More

Lively Lady update: Re-decked and painted

Lively Lady update: Re-decked and painted

She’s looking good! Work on this historic vessel is now nearing completion, with a small team of volunteers giving up their free time to turn what was a gutted wreck into a yacht that is now in even better condition than when she was new! On Epoxycraft’s last visit on Friday 13th July 2018, we saw ... Lively Lady update: Re-decked and painted More

Lively lady to arrive at Port Solent this Saturday!

Lively lady to arrive at Port Solent this Saturday!

After an extensive refit, the iconic sailing yacht Lively Lady will be sailed back to her berth at Port Solent Marina, near Portsmouth, Hampshire, at around 1500h on Saturday 28th July 2018. Hundreds of well-wishers are expected to attend the event, which will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Sir Alec Roses’s triumphant homecoming after his 1968 circumnavigation. ... Lively lady to arrive at Port Solent this Saturday! More

Dinghy Park essentials

Dinghy Park essentials

We asked David Johnson, Sales Director at West System International, technical expert and sometime yachtsman (that last one is his own description!), what WEST SYSTEM® products he would consider to be dinghy park essentials. That is those products that you should have with you in the dinghy park this summer, whether you’re away for a weekend ... Dinghy Park essentials More

All in a day’s work

All in a day’s work

The technical team are always happy to give advice about any epoxy project over the phone, or in person, and they love seeing the remarkable uses customers have for epoxy. So, how do you coat a Victorian wooden basin? When carpenter Joe Fancy arrived at the West System International’s HQ in Romsey in July, he bought with ... All in a day’s work More

Swiss Performance Yachts

Swiss Performance Yachts

Tucked away within a modern furniture factory near Tallinn, Estonia, a small company is building beautiful new boats in wood whilst also restoring some classics from the 60’s. The first 10-metre sailing yacht was being made using WEST SYSTEM epoxy to bond the mahogany veneers. Built to plans from the Dutch naval architects Hoek Design, ... Swiss Performance Yachts More

Additive of the month

Additive of the month

WEST SYSTEM product Technical Advisor Hamish Cook guides us through the range of additives available to enhance your epoxy project. Describing how to choose and use each one, Hamish provides the technical groups’ special hints and tips for a first-class result. “Fillers are used to thicken the basic resin/hardener mixture for specific applications,” Hamish says. ... Additive of the month More

How to adapt your glue brush for a delicate repair on a small surface

How to adapt your glue brush for a delicate repair on a small surface

Hamish, one of West System Technical Team, has a solution for those times when accurate application of epoxy to make a repair on a small surface is key – trim your bristles! Here he explains how to adapt your brush for a delicate repair. “WEST SYSTEM 803 Glue Brushes have one inch bristles which are excellent for priming fillet joints, ... How to adapt your glue brush for a delicate repair on a small surface More

Black Marlin – Jan Andersen’s 10m carbon-fibre trimaran

Black Marlin – Jan Andersen’s 10m carbon-fibre trimaran

The best way to make a cruising yacht with a performance ‘far above normal’ is to use multiple hulls infused with West System International’s PRO-SET epoxy. Then use composites to create an equally light rig and interior. Fit an electric motor for green propulsion and the result is Jan Andersen’s awesome Black Marlin. Black Marlin ... Black Marlin – Jan Andersen’s 10m carbon-fibre trimaran More

Chasing the stars: a progress update from pioneering rocket company Starchaser

Chasing the stars: a progress update from pioneering rocket company Starchaser

The UK’s pioneering rocket company Starchaser has been working since 1992 to put the man in the street into low earth orbit. We asked Starchaser’s founder Steve Bennett for an update on progress. “We know that 7 out of 10 people when asked say that they would love to take a trip into space,” said ... Chasing the stars: a progress update from pioneering rocket company Starchaser More

Gauging the situation

Gauging the situation

When a lifetime’s passion for trains, seven grandchildren and a grand-plan for a garden railway come together, Steve Vick railway creator, advises Wessex Resins & Adhesives always has an answer. As the managing director of his own company, Steve Vick International Ltd., making old gas mains safe for modern use, Steve Vick is used to ... Gauging the situation More

PRO-SET laminated Maguire Exocets take all 17 top positions in the recent Moth World Championships

PRO-SET laminated Maguire Exocets take all 17 top positions in the recent Moth World Championships

Soon to be celebrating the creation of their 100th Exocet Moth, the team at Hampshire-based Maguire Boats are flushed with the success of recent racing results.  Maguire-built boats took all 17 of the top positions from a fleet of 45 entrants at the Moth Worlds in Bermuda earlier this year and this winning streak seems ... PRO-SET laminated Maguire Exocets take all 17 top positions in the recent Moth World Championships More

A world of innovation

A world of innovation

The JEC Composites show in Paris was packed with exciting applications for lightweight composites. So whether you want a carbon-fibre drone, a surfboard with hydrofoils, or a solar-powered car, you’ll find one at the show. The annual JEC World show at the Paris-Nord Villepinte exhibition centre runs for three days in early March and is ... A world of innovation More

Wessex Resins and Adhesives LTD achieves the transition to BS EN ISO 9001:2015

Wessex Resins and Adhesives LTD achieves the transition to BS EN ISO 9001:2015

Wessex Resins and Adhesives has achieved the transition to the latest Quality Management System and the Company is now certified to BS EN ISO 9001:2015. ISO 9001:2015 certification demonstrates the Company’s commitment to achieving its vision to be a leader in its chosen markets whilst providing extraordinary customer support at all times. Our customers can ... Wessex Resins and Adhesives LTD achieves the transition to BS EN ISO 9001:2015 More

Helping give young people an Oarsome Chance

Helping give young people an Oarsome Chance

Oarsome Chance is a ground-breaking new charity bringing  about change for disadvantaged young people in the Portsmouth, Gosport and Havant areas by using the powerful incentive of sport in combination with vocational training.  As part of their work, the charity is developing the OC 24 skiff – a purpose-built boat designed for them by Paul Fisher for the young people ... Helping give young people an Oarsome Chance More

Making a canoe with Pro Set vacuum infusion epoxy

Making a canoe with Pro Set vacuum infusion epoxy

A step-by-step demonstration of how to make a Canadian canoe using vacuum infusion with PRO SET epoxy, presented by West System International. More

From concorde to formula 1  – J-TEC Composites on the challenges of making performance parts in carbon

From concorde to formula 1 – J-TEC Composites on the challenges of making performance parts in carbon

When former aviation engineer James Newman began experimenting with PRO-SET epoxy for creating custom carbon-fibre components, he didn’t realise it would lead to a whole new career path. The PRO-SET epoxy range has been developed to create incredibly lightweight but strong component parts, especially by infusion. This is why you will find PRO-SET epoxy used ... From concorde to formula 1 – J-TEC Composites on the challenges of making performance parts in carbon More

Build small whilst thinking big

Build small whilst thinking big

Experiment with cedar strip canoe building with this 1:12 scale model from Bear Mountain Boats The cedar strip method of boat building allows for the creation of some truly beautiful canoes and kayaks. This comes not just from the natural colours of the epoxy-coated wood, but also from the way the thin planks can be ... Build small whilst thinking big More

British Birds by Mike Watkins

British Birds by Mike Watkins

Talented sculptor Mike Watkins makes these remarkable studies of British birds out of modelling clay and installs them on an assortment of background materials, sourced from their usual habitat. Each sculpture is assembled using WEST SYSTEM G5 five-minute epoxy which Mike uses to bond various elements of the sculpture together, including the complex supports and ... British Birds by Mike Watkins More

Epoxy Tips – Priming The Pumps

Epoxy Tips – Priming The Pumps

PRIMING THE PUMPS The resin pumps simply drop into the containers via the filler cap and are screwed into place. The draw tubes are matched to the size of container, so they just clear the bottom. Make sure you have the pump set for the right pack so a 301B, for example, would fit a ... Epoxy Tips – Priming The Pumps More

Epoxy Tips – Exact Mixing Ratios

Epoxy Tips – Exact Mixing Ratios

EXACT MIXING RATIOS Pumps make measuring the correct ratios of resin to hardener very easy. Make sure you have the right pump for the container – these are 301A for the A pack size (1kg of WEST SYSTEM 105 epoxy resin with 0.2kg of 205 Fast or 206 Slow hardener) and 301B for the B ... Epoxy Tips – Exact Mixing Ratios More

Epoxy Tips – Perfect Overhead Fillets

Epoxy Tips – Perfect Overhead Fillets

PERFECT OVERHEAD FILLETS A fillet is a gutter-shaped bead of thickened epoxy that very effectively holds two pieces of rigid material together, most typically plywood strips. It is one of the most useful types of epoxy bonding techniques for making strong and attractive joins.  When attempting to apply fillets on the underside of a boat’s ... Epoxy Tips – Perfect Overhead Fillets More

WEST SYSTEM workshops

WEST SYSTEM workshops

WEST SYSTEM hosts workshops for both amateurs and professionals. We offer advice to members of the public about the use of epoxy for boat building, repair and maintenance as well as constructing composites structures. We show participants a range of expert techniques for administering the epoxy so that they are more confident using our products ... WEST SYSTEM workshops More

Building a modern classic launch

Building a modern classic launch

Experienced in making furniture as a hobby, retired fashion photographer David Falcon Grey decided his next project would be a hand built, retro-styled motorboat. Although far from being finished, the result is stunning. Back in the late 30s and again in 50s and 60s, several American and Italian boatyards began to produce some head-turning launches ... Building a modern classic launch More

A bicycle made of wood?

A bicycle made of wood?

Keen cyclist Chris Thompson realised that the versatility and strength of WEST SYSTEM epoxy would allow him to make his dream bicycle out of hardwood. The result is a roadworthy work of art. Take several sections of dense brown oak, hollow them out and then assemble them into a frame, one you have designed after ... A bicycle made of wood? More

The Innovators – Ropeye

The versatility of WEST SYSTEM epoxy allowed keen sailor Jaanus Tamme to create prototype pulley blocks from a back-pack ‘factory’ whilst attending regattas. Now he has a global distribution network. Based outside the city of Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, keen racing sailor Jaanus Tamme has developed a remarkable and award-winning range of pulley blocks ... The Innovators – Ropeye More

My Project: an 18’ sea kayak  By Duncan Riddle

My Project: an 18’ sea kayak By Duncan Riddle

Back to basics I just completed the 38 week Boat Building Course at the Lyme Regis Boat Building Academy. Like several other students on the course, I’d spent several years in a corporate environment and was looking to get back to basics, working with traditional techniques and materials to create something with my own hands. ... My Project: an 18’ sea kayak By Duncan Riddle More

My Project: an 18ft classic powerboat by Simon Hawksley

My Project: an 18ft classic powerboat by Simon Hawksley

From boat enthusiast to boat builder When I was a kid, my dad used to take me to the seaside and we’d go out fishing on a tiny boat with a four-horse outboard motor. When I went to university to study engineering, I got involved with the scuba diving club and spent time around all ... My Project: an 18ft classic powerboat by Simon Hawksley More

The Atomik Voodoo Moth: blink and you’ll miss it

The Atomik Voodoo Moth: blink and you’ll miss it

Phil Oligario restored his first racing moth in his garage nearly a decade ago. Fast forward to now and Phil and his company, Atomik UK, build the Chris Allen-designed Voodoo Moth, which rides high on low-drag Macita foils. We asked Phil how he got obsessed with moths, how he turned his hobby into a vocation ... The Atomik Voodoo Moth: blink and you’ll miss it More

Building a cedar strip canoe with WEST SYSTEM epoxy

Building a cedar strip canoe with WEST SYSTEM epoxy

First-time boatbuilder Martin Corrall found the perfect retirement project when he saw a beautiful Nick Schade designed cedar strip canoe at a friend’s house. Martin tells us about his steep learning curve and why it was all worth it. How did the project come about? As soon as I saw the canoe at a friend’s ... Building a cedar strip canoe with WEST SYSTEM epoxy More